STAR (Students Teach the Art of Recording)
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Monument Mountain Regional High School - Lee High School - Pittsfield High School - Taconic High School Drury High School - Hoosac Valley High School
STAR provides the equipment needed for modern digital multitrack recording, to each school that supports the STAR program. In addition STAR recruits mentors for the programs to keep the demands met of the modern student musician. Often state budget cuts deprive music programs in the schools and students are the victims. STAR helps keep the music in the schools and gives back the ability for students to experiment in music..




Click here for the official STAR website



Digital Multitrack Recorder with CD-R Drive

This allows students to easily create and save. This permits the students to work on their creations with much less setup time. The easy to use unit provides all the tools needed to arrange and produce digital quality music in a portable setting. Showcase

Email your submission for BandBoard Music's showcase. All entrants must have only one song in mp3 format , no longer than 5 minutes or 4mb. A band photo and bio. ALL performers MUST be High School students. Entry Deadline is Sept 1st 2004. The Showcase is scheduled for mid October, High School location pending. Email for more info